You have the choice to not over-capitalise

Clearly the ‘push is on’ across Australian industry to decarbonise and reduce carbon-based energy consumption. 

Across the energy industry however, this has been going on for decades, and is almost mainstream. Many companies we work with have been early sustainability leaders, as they sought to avoid wasteful consumption and find efficiencies over many years.

We’re always pleased to help asset managers optimise the performance of the energy assets and harness available capacity to operate more efficiently and sustainably. By reducing consumption, they are in better control of energy related OPEX. 

However, there is also upside in CAPEX. With energy systems operating more efficiently and actual available capacity identified, capital-intensive upgrades can be reduced, avoided, or deferred. 

In our experience, sites tend to be over-electrified because energy wastage isn’t sufficiently detected and assumed available capacity is inaccurate. 

We understand business managers are more comfortable when they have redundancy. However, upgrades to transformers, switchboards and circuitry may not be needed if time is taken to analyse the capacity of current systems and consider alternatives. 

Better outcomes are possible with an advanced energy management system which provides comprehensible analysis and practical initiatives, rather than a business-as-usual approach.

This starts with a conversation about what you’d like to achieve, what’s planned, and an audit of current performance

For many clients, conversations like these have taken them in a new direction to seek better efficiency, rather than more electricity. 

This is possible through the application of SEAMS, our Sustainable Energy Asset Management Solutions.

Many of clients have chosen to not over-capitalise and not build more redundancy. They have sought to seek more from what they have. 

You too have the choice and power to not over-capitalise.

If you’d like to discuss any concerns about your power quality and Hexeis protection solutions please be in contact.


Power quality issues may be largely unseen, but they’re real